This page contains some legal stuff about our activities, and
your participation in them.
"CONFUSED LEGAL DEPARTMENT" WARNING: As with any activity consult your physician before participating.The activities PARTICIPATE AT AND ASSUME YOUR OWN RISK: You must assume responsibility for your own safety at all times, and decide whether By clicking on the following link, you indicate your understanding, and agree to
the terms above:
more about us |
join the club |
current activities |
trip reports |
photo gallery |
outdoor links
Some things can be dangerous, like mountain climbing, but all
are actually good for you.
A link to the signup page is at the bottom, after you've read all of this.
described in or by, but not limited to, the CONFUSED calendar, web page,
list server, club
members, and any other associated entity (all hereafter "the club")
may carry a significant
risk of personal injury or death. DO NOT participate in these
activities unless you are an
expert, have sought or obtained qualified professional
instruction or guidance, are
knowledgeable about the risks involved, are familiar
with the experience or character of
other participants, or are willing to assume
personal responsibility for all foreseeable
and unforeseeable risks associated with
these activities. The club makes no warranties,
expressed or implied, of any kind,
regarding the contents of the calendar, web page, list
server, or any other club
communication medium, and expressly disclaims any warranty regarding
the accuracy,
reliability, or safety of information contained therein. The club further
disclaims all
responsibility for any injuries or death incurred by any engaging in these
participation in an activity is warranted given present or possible environmental
conditions for the activity and the composition of all persons, including yourself,
participating in the particular activity and their or your relative experience,
fitness, mental capacity, and overall preparedness.